Success Case: Dove on Spotify

Dove Men created a musical experience for men over 18 years of age through the Advertiser Page, which is naturally integrated with Spotify, taking the message to a another level.

Logo Dove Men


Dove Men was founded in 2009 with care products that established a new definition of strength. Dove Men believes that personal care products make men stronger. True strength is shown through the care you give to others and towards yourself.

Dove Men’s main goal was to engage consumers with the brand by making them experience a personalized and musical journey.

The brand used Spotify tolaunch the new “Irritability Meter” campaign, which was designed for men over 18 years of age.





Dove Men chose Spotify to launch the campaign, in which men were encouraged to visit the brand’s web page and activate the Irritability Meter by providing some specific data.

In the end, consumers could enjoy a personalized and free song playlist, depending on their level of irritability.

The campaign was marketed on Spotify using the following formats:

Advertiser Page

Consumers could land on the page by using the Dove Men guidelines and media formats. They would have to enter their age, their emotional state and their irritability levels, which linked them to a personalized playlist that they could share on the social networks.


With this format, consumers were invited to interact with the Advertiser Page.


Overlay Mobile & Desktop

With this creative platform, they maximized the brand’s impact and consumers could interact with the Advertiser Page by using two different calls to action.
















Overlay Desktop

Overlay Mobile





Thanks to this personalized and innovative solution, the brand was able to achieve a high level of engagement with male consumers.

The Audio and Overlay Spotify formats allowed Dove Men to spread brand awareness and direct high traffic to its Advertiser Page.

The platform’s capability to segment the market by age groups allowed the brand to reach their target audience: men over 18 years of age.